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Introducing the Agri-Resource Center (ARC)
Building Sustainable Livelihoods in the Northern-Western Ghats: Velhe taluka in Maharashtra’s Pune district...
Reviving Resilience Through Watershed Ecology
Velhe Taluka in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra is home to 4,194 people across nine villages, and this...
Six Years In! Our Journey of Learning and Growth—What’s Next?
Climate change is a reality we are well aware of and witnessing it firsthand. The effects of climate change...
Can an Agroecological Approach to Food Production Harness India’s Demographic Dividend?
The Changing Nature of Jobs
By 2030, the share of India’s working-age...
The Impact of Mental Health Issues on Community Well-Being
The Impact of Mental Health Issues on Community Well-Being: Effective Strategies for Mitigation...
Impact in a Flash
Our work is rooted in the belief that environmental conservation and community well-being are interconnected. This quarter...
From Field to Forest - Bharat Gaikwad’s Inspiring Role as an Environment Custodian
Bharat Baban Gaikwad is a 44-year-old farmer and electrician...
Growing Green Together!
The Avenue Plantation project has made remarkable strides in enhancing biodiversity, community resilience and environmental sustainability...
Message from the Founder
Gratitude, Excitement and Hope: The Raintree Foundation Story Continues. Writing this piece evokes a range of emotions-a deep sense of...
Preserving Verdant Velhe
Approximately 200 km from Mumbai and 60 km south of Pune, Velhe is nestled in the global biodiversity hotspot, the Western Ghats in Maharashtra...
Scaling Impact in the Shastri River Basin
After adapting and strengthening our approach in Velhe, the Raintree Foundation is scaling the impact to the Shastri River Basin, another critical...
Watershed Ecology
Rethinking Water Security in the Western Ghats: Aptly nicknamed India's “water tower,” the Western Ghats play a critical role in the well-being of communities and the ecosystem...
Expert’s Corner -
Preeti Karmarkar
The Unseen Backbone: Why Gender Equality is Essential for Sustainable Climate Action. Women worldwide clock in a phenomenal...
Voices from Velhe
"The best part is how easy it is to use. With just a single card tap, we can fill our buckets with clean water," Neelam says, emphasising the accessibility and convenience of the filtration system...
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- 101, Notan Heights, Gurunanak Rd, Patkar Blocks, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
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